New Dataset: SBE Campaign Reports

Campaign Committee Reports:

Reports filed with the State Board of Elections by campaign committees (including candidates).

Includes each committee’s name, SBE account ID, SBE committee code, the candidate’s name (if it’s a candidate committee), the type of committee, and a list of all reports filed by that committee since January 1, 2012. Each report includes the date filed, the period covered by the report, the total value of contributions, the balance at the end of the period, the SBE’s ID for that report, and URLs for the report web page, the report as XML, and the report as a PDF.

Note that it does include any data about individual contributions or expenditures. Those are found in the report XML files, the URLs for which are provided within this file.

All data is scraped from the State Board of Elections Campaign Finance Reports site.

The scraper is available on GitHub.

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